Note: Tickets for the event are $140.00 + a PayPal convenience fee of $5.30.
Note: Tickets for the event are $140.00 + a PayPal convenience fee of $5.30.
Poland is known for many beautiful “Kolędy” (Christmas Carols ) and “Pastorałki” ( “Pastoral” carols). The Karuzela Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Neil Stahurski, will present a concert of these carols. […]
POLISH CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION Dear Friend The PCC is excited to sponsor our holiday-favorite Christmas gathering when we will once again share the joys of the blessed season face to face with our friends in the Pittsburgh Polish community. We invite you, your family, and your friends to A Polish Christmas Celebration. Please join us [...]
Harris Theater - Krzysztof Kieślowski Retrospective - October 21 to October 26, 2022 809 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Recognized as one of the greatest film directors of our time, Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski made a remarkable number of great films in his relatively short life (1941-1996). In an interview, Kieślowski said: 'Everyone wants to [...]
Christmas Invitation 2021 Christmas Celebration 2021 *
I never Cry (Jak najdalej stąd) directed by Piotr Domalewski follows Ola (Zofia Stafiej), a 17-year-old whose top priority in life is passing her driving test and getting a car. After her father dies while working in Ireland, and her mother is forced to stay behind with her disabled brother, Ola must travel to Dublin [...]
Registration Required: https://calendar.library.duq.edu/event/8224811 Visitor parking available at Duquesne University garage (1100 Forbes Ave, PGH, PA 15219). Enter the garage (#34 on the campus map) take the elevator to the 8th floor. Exit garage, turn right into the Sklar Skyway (#33) to cross Forbes Ave towards Power Center (#32). Exit the skywalk, enter the Power Center and Ballroom [...]
University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning, room #232 Discovery channel film tells the story about Edward M. House, a remarkable man who lived his life mostly in the shadows yet was one of the most influential figures of the President Woodrow Wilson’s presidency. He was a diplomat, a person that both Europe and Poland owe [...]